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Neo~Local Design: Issue: 00




num 00

neo~local design

Getting Started

The Neo-Local design project explores ways to combine design with the skills of the local dimension. At the core of the project are the culture of design and a non-nostalgic approach to local values and to tradition.


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In this perspective, the project embraces the use of smart technologies as a way to ensure a space – even economical – to different ways of thinking and producing things. Aiming at getting closer to the needs of the human community, in every ‘local’ place of the earth.

Our project starts in Sardinia, an island that has never lost a strong connection with its territory and traditions, and that can therefore be a working laboratory for our research, offering a new model for the combination of needs, identity and sustainable development.

Neo-local is a space for discussion opened to the contributions of every community, group, people willing to look around to rediscover, through design, new ways of development.

The project’s actual form is that of a blog/magazine, with four periodic issues – one for each season – plus a special christmas issue. Our first is based on light contributions, in the shape of short articles, structured in sub categories such as: projects, resources, events, activities, plus a news section. This creates  an archive that can be interactively sorted through keywords.


Write for us ...

Neolocal design is a blog open to contribution from experts, designers, craftsman and anybody wishing to share experiences, references or thoughts on the relation between tradition and innovation through design.

Contact us at: info@neolocaldesign.org

Sardegna Artigianato / Sardinian Craftsmanship: an archive
Sardegna Artigianato / Sardinian Craftsmanship: an archive

A database-showcase of Sardinia’s artistic craftsmanship, Sardegna Artigianato offers an interesting insight on the island's lively contemporary craft scene.

The future craftsman, a book by Stefano Micelli
The future craftsman, a book by Stefano Micelli

An invitation to rethink craftsmanship, not as as a survivor from the past, but as an active resource, looking at the very core of Italian small and medium-sized companies. To respond to the crisis, innovation is here: in our own hands.

Copper in Isili, Sardinia
Copper in Isili, Sardinia

Isili is a small Sardinian town home of a strong and ancient craft tradition, particularly in copperware. Today the small Marate museum keeps this tradition alive and offers to us ideas for the future.

Design on the thread of tradition. A book by Federica Vacca
Design on the thread of tradition. A book by Federica Vacca

As a consequence of market’s globalization and of the delocalization of production Italy faces a process of homologation of its regional identities and the de-personalization of production activities.

Vetro da Usare (Glass to use)
Vetro da Usare (Glass to use)

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Re-Designing designed objects: a laboratory about reuse
Re-Designing designed objects: a laboratory about reuse

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